Is WFH (working from home) the Biggest 2020 Takeaway?



Time and time again, when we talk about the perks of working for a multi-level marketing (MLM) company or a direct sales (DS) business, we talk about the amazing opportunity for flexibility. When your MLM or DS career turns into a chance to replace your income entirely, and you have the ability to work from home full-time, the possibilities are endless. You can work while you travel the world, you can work from home and be there for your kids when they get home from school, and you can work at cute coffee shops and network with your community in person.

With COVID-19 keeping most people at home and working remotely throughout most of 2020, working from home (WFH) is a real advantage for most businesses—not just MLM and DS companies. In fact, it may even open up better opportunities for anyone interested in supplementing her income from a full- or part-time job with MLM or DS income.

With WFH being the biggest 2020 takeaway, there is much to learn about the perks of WFH and what we can look forward to in MLM and DS careers.

WFH Will Become A Staple In Businesses Across The Globe

Reddit, Twitter, and Dropbox are just a few of the major businesses that have transitioned to remote work, while still allowing employees to work from the office a couple days a week if they choose to. They’ve set up coffee shop style seating where there are no permanent desks, somewhat like a co-working space. 

The proportion of Americans working from home has drastically increased from 8% in February to 35% in May. Now as many as 37% of jobs in the US can be done remotely.

With more and more businesses transitioning to permanent WFH employees, what does this mean for MLM and DS companies? 

The WFH Trend Will Change The Way People Perceive Multi Level Marketing (MLM) & Direct Sales (DS) Companies

Working from home all day, every day provides some amazing benefits, like skipping a commute, saving yourself time to pour into other things in your life, giving you the opportunity to work alongside your family, and so much more. As more people WFH, they may realize that if they can self-discipline and be productive on their own, launching their dream business may be a practical next step for their quality of life to improve. If someone is already working from home all day, then why not take the productivity skills you’ve learned and transition them into a career that you’re actually passionate about?

WFH Provides New Business Opportunities

Another reason more people may move toward MLM and DS companies is because of this saved time. Even if someone keeps a full-time career, all of the time spent not commuting and getting ready for the day leaves open space for having an additional stream of income. 

The biggest appeal is that once you taste the freedom of your WFH lifestyle, you’ll want even more freedom and time off to do the things you love. MLM and DS companies offer you the chance to (literally!) make money while you sleep.

Oh and did we mention freedom? We’re not just talking about WFH and additional income, we’re also talking about being your own boss, making your own hours, proven marketing plans that you can follow, and having a mentor for support. 

Tips For Productive WFH

In order to succeed no matter what job you have and whether you work with an MLM or DS company on the side or full-time, productivity is the key to success. WFH doesn’t necessarily mean everything will be easy—in order to create more freedom for yourself, you must make those hours working at home as productive as possible. 

Here are 3 tips to help inspire productivity into your workday:

1. Have something to celebrate the end of your day each day—this will give you something to work toward and to help you transition into not working for the rest of the day. This may be going for a run, meditating, or pouring yourself a glass of wine!

2. Pick a specific task each day as your “win”. We are hit with so many distractions all of the time that we need to have a goal to focus on and celebrate.

3. Know the hours of the day that you are the most productive. Schedule your most important work during this time.

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